
Disaster Prevention Event held for International Students


On November 21, 2023, the “Disaster Prevention Drill for International Students” was held.

The purpose of this project was to promote disaster awareness among international students so that they can protect their own lives and those of their families in Japan, where earthquakes occur frequently. Forty-one international students and researchers participated in this event. The event was organized with the help of the Kusatsu International Friendship Association, Kusatsu City, Kusatsu City Fire Brigade Team of Foreign Residents, Kusatsu City Fire Brigade KFFL Division, and the South Fire Department of the Konan Regional Fire Bureau.

The first half of the event was held indoors, with a lecture titled “Saving Lives – When Earthquake Strikes” by Mr. Keita Mamiya, Director of the Crisis Management Division of Kusatsu City, and the card game “Bousai Duck” was introduced for disaster prevention education by the Kusatsu City Foreign Residents Functional Fire Brigade and the Kusatsu City Fire Brigade KFFL.

Many of the participants had never experienced an earthquake before and attentively watched the earthquake video shown in the lecture, felt the fear of an earthquake. They asked about stock supplies, disaster prevention maps, etc., to find out what they could do now to prepare for an emergency.

At the end of the lecture, one of the students, representing the participants, actually called 119 to demonstrate how to call 119 and calmly tell the operator what happened without speaking Japanese.

In the second half of the event, the participants practiced fire extinguishing and evacuation drills in a smoke tent, evacuating in pairs by holding hands, keeping a low posture, and holding their mouths while evacuating in a tent where visibility was almost completely lost due to smoke.

For most of the participants, this was their first experience in any of the drills, and they asked many questions after the experience. After the drills, many international students commented that the experience was very valuable. The event became a very worthwhile opportunity for them.

Extinguishing a fire